Our Services


Women's Ultrasound

FOR THE LADY! GE Sonography Machines to help diagnose the reason behind heavy periods, early pregnancy and infertility. Dr Jayati Dureja joins as the Fetal Medicine and Genetics specialist, certified for performing Amniocentesis and CVS for FISH, Microarray and NGS evaluation.


Suction (D&C)

Heavy periods need for biopsy to screen for cancer- our state of the art OT is always ready for a safe and painless D&C procedure, for women of all ages.


PCOS cure package

A special trademark package designed by Dr Deepa Dureja that gives results in 2 months, from regularisation of periods to weight loss and reduced acne & facial hair


UTI, STI & Vaginal Yeast infection Treatment

We understand how terribly annoying that constant discomfort can be, the itching, the burning pain while passing urine, the smelly discharge.


Antenatal care

Pregnancy care package that takes you from Conception to Delivery to Breastfeeding! Dr Deepa Dureja’s antenatal care provides laboratory services, ultrasound and pre-natal nutrition and exercise guidance, all under one roof. Take your pick of birthing suites at Dr Deepa Dureja’s visiting hospitals from La Femme to Rosewalk, or Apollo Cradle Royale or Triton Hospital.


Painless Vaginal Delivery

Epidural and Natural Methods for painless vaginal delivery at Fortis La Femme, Apollo Cradle Royale, Rosewalk Hospitals


Lactation Consultant

Coping with Breastfeeding for new mothers can be a task. Dr Deepa’s complete postnatal care package ensures the best care for the new mother, from nutrition to latching and nipple care.


Infertility treatment

Couple evaluation and low cost packages for those having difficulty in conceiving



Dr Deepa Dureja’s Surgical Team


Breast Pain & Lump Treatment

Felt a nodule in your breast that made you anxious? Breast pain bothering you during PMS? Want to learn breast self-examination or need a routine check up? Dr Deepa Dureja's team handle it all, from examination to surgery.


Bartholin’s cyst excision

Dr Deepa Dureja's Surgical Team


Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst Surgery

Dr Deepa Dureja's Surgical Team


Vaginismus Laser Cure

Dr Deepa Dureja's Surgical Team


Pap smear and Cancer Screening 

Clinical assessment of Breast, Cervical and Endometrial cancer available, supported by Mammography, Ultrasound and Pap-smear, LBC (Liquid Based Cytology) and Colposcopy. Pipelle and Dilatation & Curettage available for Endometrial Hyperplasia Assessment, tie-ups with Oncology Specialist Laboratories for quality-control.


Menopause management

Bothered by hot flashes, hair loss and vaginal dryness? Non-hormonal and hormonal treatments available, laser therapy for vaginal issues available at Dr Deepa Dureja’s GK-2 centre.



Dr Deepa Dureja's Surgical Team

1.Suction ( Dilatation and Curettage)

Heavy periods need for biopsy to screen for cancer- our state-of-the-art OT is always ready for a safe and painless D&C procedure, for women of all ages.

2.Antenatal care

Pregnancy care package that takes you from Conception to Delivery to Breastfeeding! Dr Deepa Dureja’s antenatal care provides laboratory services, ultrasound and pre-natal nutrition and exercise guidance, all under one roof. Take your pick of birthing suites at Dr Deepa Dureja’s visiting hospitals fromFortis La Femme to Rosewalk, or Apollo Cradle Royale or Triton Hospital.

3.Lactation Consultant

Coping with Breastfeeding for new mothers can be a task. Dr Deepa’s complete postnatal care package ensures the best care for the new mother, from nutrition to latching and nipple care.

4.Infertility treatment

Couple evaluation and low cost packages, including IUI (Intra-uterine insemination) for those having difficulty in conceiving.

5.PCOS cure package

A special trademark package designed by Dr Deepa Dureja that gives results in 2 months, from regularisation of periods to weight loss and reduced acne & facial hair.

6.UTI, STI and Vaginal Yeast infection treatment

We understand how terribly annoying that constant discomfort can be, the itching, the burning pain while passing urine, the smelly discharge. We’re here to help! Facilities for Vaginal swabs and speculum examination, combined with lab tests , and treatment of both partners available at Dr Deepa Dureja’s Centre.

7. Pap smear and Cancer Screening

Clinical assessment of Breast, Cervical and Endometrial cancer available, supported by Mammography, Ultrasound and Pap-smear, LBC (Liquid Based Cytology) and Colposcopy. Pipelle and Dilatation &Curettage available for Endometrial Hyperplasia Assessment, tie-ups with Oncology Specialist Laboratories for quality-control.

8. Menopause management

Bothered by hot flashes, hair loss and vaginal dryness? Non-hormonal and hormonal treatments available, laser therapy for vaginal issues available at Dr Deepa Dureja’s GK-2 centre.

9. Reproductive and Sexual Counselling-

Even our textbooks say it- the woman needs TLC! (Tender Loving Care).Depressed because of repeated pregnancy losses ? Fertility challenges? Confused about your sex-gender orientation ? Or have sexuality issues on your mind? We have a team of experts to handle the medical aspects and the psychology of it all.

10. Hysterosalpingography

Gently performed by senior gynecologist, Dr Deepa Dureja herself, HSG is a dye test to check tubal patency in infertility patients, using Digital X-Ray facilities available at the centre. Rule out tubal blockage as the reason for infertility.

11. Women's Ultrasound

BY A LADY, FOR THE LADY!GE Sonography Machines to help diagnose the reason behind heavy periods, early pregnancy and infertility. Dr Jayati Dureja joins as the Fetal Medicine and Genetics specialist, certified for performing Amniocentesis and CVS for FISH, Microarray and NGS evaluation.

12. Vaginismus treatment

Relieving pain of couples to enhance intimacy. Laser and Dilators procedures available to cure vaginismus.

13.Bartholin's cyst excision

A Bartholin's cyst occurs when a Bartholin’s gland within the labia becomes blocked.[1] Small cysts may result in minimal symptoms. Larger cysts may result in swelling on one side of the vagina, as well as pain during sex or walking If .the cyst becomes infected, an abscess can occur, which is typically red and very painful. Dr Deepa Dureja’s Surgical Team handles abscess drainage and offers painless and quick treatment.

14.Laparoscopic ovarian cyst excision surgery

Most ovarian cysts are related to ovulation, being either follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts. Other types include cysts due to endometriosis, dermoid cysts, and cystadenomas. Many small cysts occur in both ovaries in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Pelvic inflammatory disease may also result in cysts. Rarely, cysts may be a form of ovarian cancer.Diagnosis is undertaken by pelvic examination with an ultrasound. Dr Deepa Dureja’s Surgical Team offers laparoscopic ovarian cyst surgery with early recovery and minimal pain.

15. Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. It may also involve removal of the cervix, ovaries (oophorectomy), Fallopian tubes (salpingectomy), and other surrounding structures. It is used to treat adenomyosis, endometriosis, fibroid related heavy menstural bleeding and pain, suspected cancer of uterus, and chronic pelvic pain. Dr Deepa Dureja’s Surgical Team offers both vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy ( Laparoscopic) in all budgets.

16. Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is the inspection of the uterine cavity by endoscopy with access through the cervix. It allows for the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology and serves as a method for surgical intervention ( No incision surgery, Natural Orifice Surgery). It is useful for treatment of Asherman’s syndrome, Irregular periods or post-menopausal bleeding, submucous fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine malformation treatment like septoplasty, septal resection (Mullerian Anomalies). Dr Deepa Dureja’s Surgical Team offers low cost hysteroscopy at Pulse Medical Centre, GK-2.

17. Weight loss Package

Weight gain in puberty and young women could be due to PCOS, Thyroid issues and complex hormonal disturbances. Menopausal changes also bring unwelcome fat gain. Dr Deepa Dureja’s special trademark weight loss package , backed by scientific research and ayurvedic principles, will get you back to feeling like yourself, again

18. Pregnancy nutrition and exercise

Balanced meals with the right vitamins and minerals are key to a healthy pregnancy, for a healthy mother and newborn. Learn how to control gestational diabetes and thyroid issues by nutritional coaching alone.

19.Laboratory Services

Blood samples, urine for culture and sensitivity, viral and fever profile, hormone profile and annual health check-ups offered.

20. Digital X-ray

Clarity and Speed of digital x-ray to save time, whether for a lung infection or bone and joint problems in menopause.